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"it is well known we are known in the process of destroying our environment as a result of an attempt to conquer it and master it"

fast fashion is responsible for 10% of carbon emissions in the world
& cheap synthetic fibers emit gases like N20 which is 300 times more damaging than CO2
2/3 of clothing is made from fossil fuel synthetics and 85% of this material is sent to landfills
[unable to decompose for 99+ years, if ever]
70% of the leading fast fashion brands products end up in a landfill before ever being worn
one garbage truck of textiles incinerated or taken to landfills every second
fabric dye is the second biggest pollutant of water [producing 20% of global waste water]
fabric dye contributes to 10% of the worlds carbon emissions

... in any reality our environment is not something other than ourselves and in assuming that it is, we have made a great mistake and we are now paying the price for it; as a result of having false senses of identity we act in a way that is inappropriate to our natural environment and when that inappropriate way of action is magnified by powerful technology we swiftly  see the results of a profound discord [between man and nature]

everything outside the human world is a system of balances where you cant have one form of life without the others ;;
what you do is also a doing of your environment" - so do what you can to protect this planet xox